Wednesday, May 07, 2014

May 11, 2007 - Flashback post

Visiting Jackson & Birthday stuff & other stuff

Current mood:happy
I'll start with my visit with Jackson, on Wednesday, since that was first!!  It was a great visit!  He was very calm and relaxed, wide awake when I got there.  They had a mirror propped up against the side of his crib, and he was just staring at it.  Shortly after I got there the nurse came in and I asked how he's doing, she said he had a really good day.  That's always good to hear!  He's still a little congested, but he coughs once in a while and it clears up some.  (But damn does he get upset when he coughs, sounds like one of this big coughs that hurts a little but feels good afterwards!)  He has a new obsession with his hands, which is pretty funny to watch!  He'll grab one, with the other hand, play with it for a while, pull on his fingers, wave them in front of his face, all with this complete look of fascination on his face!  So cute.  He can't hold his head up yet, even though he'll be 8 months old tomorrow.  (wow- he's getting big!)  When he gets home they'll continue with his therapy to get him caught up in his skills.  It's all instinct, but since he's been laying down for the majority of his life, he just hasn't had a chance to get to use that instinct yet.  Hopefully he'll catch up quick!  I got to hold him for almost an hour!  It was very nice cuddle time!  I had him laying down in my arms for a little while, but since he was so awake and just looking around, I sat him up against me (see pictures!) so he could have a different view of the room!  I was taking the pictures myself, that's why my head is cut off in some of them  LOL  And we both don't look really good in any picture, in a couple I look better and he has a funny look on his face, and in a couple it's the other way around!  I still like them though.  I got a great one of Jackson laying down right when I got there, love the look on his face!  I uploaded a couple to my MySpace profile, and the rest are in Jackson's photo album.  I didn't get any smiles out of him this time, a couple smirks, but just the calm content look on his face, which was good enough for me.  Other than what Jackson decided to do in his diaper while I was holding him, it was a great visit!  (But he seems to do that a lot when I come visit, is that a sign?  LOL)  I talked to the night nurse, Becky, before I left, for a little while, how good Jackson is doing, how they hope to get him home very soon but they are all going to miss him!  Turns out Jackson has quite a few girlfriends in PICU    Everyone likes to take care of Jackson!!
Now on to the birthday stuff!!  Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!!    Hard to believe it, 26.  8 years since high school.  crazy!!!  (And even crazier, my little brother is graduating from college on Saturday!!)  wow, time flies.  When I got home from work, Scott was out getting my birthday present, and he got me what I wanted!  All I wanted this year was a couple new chains for my necklaces.  I have a habit of breaking them somehow.  (I went through all my jewelry I have here - 5 broken chains!)  So I wanted a really good one that hopefully won't break.  That's what I got, a yellow gold one and a white gold one.  A simple gift I guess, but it's what I wanted.  I like the necklaces I have so I didn't really want another one, just the chain so I can wear what I have again.  We went out to eat last night, at a friend's diner that we go to a lot, Scott pointed out that it's my birthday (because they were out of what I wanted for dinner!  ha ha), so they gave me my meal for free including a piece of pie with a candle in it, and they even sang for me    Yummy!  A simple birthday, but still so good.  I get my DQ ice cream cake tomorrow, yay!!
I also wanted to say something about Porter.  Thank you to everyone that has prayed for Porter and his family this week, I can't even imagine what they have been going through.  His funeral was yesterday, and I thought about them a lot.  I talked to Jackson a little on Wednesday, told him that he will live for all of the heart babies who can't, and that Porter will help him out with anything he needs.
I think that's about all for now, I have to pay some bills before we leave, and then go pack!  Have a good weekend everyone, I'll be enjoying the outdoors and probably taking a ton of pictures!!  (surprise surprise, right??  ha ha)