Here are step-by-step instructions to set up an Amazon product link that will make a portion of the purchase go to Mended Little Hearts of Chicago.
1. Find the Amazon product you want to promote.
2. Locate and copy the product's "ASIN" (letter/number combination, in the URL and listed in the Product Details section)
3. Go to this page:
4. Paste the ASIN into the search box and click Go. Your product should appear in the search results.
5. Right-click on the product title and copy the link. The new link should end with "?&linkCode=wsw&tag=squid1438657-20"
You now have a link directly to the product you want to promote, and Mended Little Hearts of Chicago will get a portion of the shopper's entire purchase! (I like to make a shortened link to use, for example Encourage your fans to bookmark your new link and use it to begin every Amazon shopping trip, so MLHC continues to earn money every time they shop.