Friday, November 16, 2012

Amazon Cash Back Shopping

Want to get cash back from Amazon shopping, but you've noticed that Amazon isn't on any of the major cash back sites?  Here's a step-by-step guide to getting cash back every time you shop at Amazon!
Any questions, or if I'm missing a step, just leave a comment on this blog and I'll answer it as soon as I can!

Step 1: Click here and sign up for Squidoo (it's free!)
Step 2: Click the orange "Create a Lens" button
Step 3: On the section called "New Amazon," click Edit
Step 4a: Select "Let Amazon Pick" and fill out any search term
Step 4b: Select "Let Me Pick" and paste an Amazon product link in the box, then click Add Item.  Up to 5 items can be listed.
Step 5: Scroll down to the bottom and click Save
Step 6: If you want other people to find your lens and possibly use your links, making you money, you'll need to add more modules to your Lens.  Click Publish.  (If you didn't add more, it will ask you if you really want to publish, click Publish Anyway.)
Step 7: Upper left-hand corner, click Dashboard.  Your lens will be in the list.
Step 8: Save the link to your lens (Mine is
Step 9: Every time you shop at Amazon, start by opening your lens page and clicking on one of the items in your list.  (You don't have to purchase the item you click to)
Step 10: To get paid, you'll need to specify your PayPal email address, which you can do under the Settings tab.